Truth: Your Journey Begins Here
Museum Articles
God’s Handiwork: Powerful Plants
Something we see in our daily lives and don’t give much thought to is trees. These staples of our world have very interesting ways of pointing back to our Creator. Let’s examine how just two species of trees give evidence of design.
Giant Flood, Giant Rocks, Giant Wonder
Giant Flood, Giant Rocks, Giant Wonder On a recent trip to Northern Ireland, my family had the opportunity to visit one of her greatest natural wonders: Giant’s Causeway. And
Great Gifts for Family & Friends
We love helping people put the truths of the authority and reliability of God‘s Word into their hearts. We also enjoy getting resources for these truths into their hands. And with the holiday season coming up, the bookstore can be a blessing both to the ministry and to your family and friends!
Questions for Worldviews
Everyone has a worldview, and every worldview has questions that it must answer. The truth will naturally produce the best and most sensible answers, and the Bible does just that.
Creation Classes at the Museum
“It’s that time of the year again: Our monthly Creation Classes are about to relaunch for the season! For those who haven’t been to one yet, these informative classes are a time of fun, fellowship, and faith-building presentations….“
The Stone Heard Around the World
“These 2,000 year old scrolls, riddled with adventure and mystery, provide one of the greatest archeological discoveries of all time and an astonishing testament to the reliability of God’s word. But it’s not just the scrolls themselves that are amazing. The story of their discovery is filled with intrigue, drama, and novel rivaling material….”
Soft Tissue in Fossils: A CEM Staff Discovery!
The presence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones supports a biblical, young-earth view of the world, and our team at the Creation Experience Museum has been getting in on the action. Find out what’s being discovered!
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