Creation Experience Museum


Truth: Your Journey Begins Here

Creation Matters

Museum Articles

Are Monkeys Our Cousins?

Monkeys have both biology and ancestry different from humans, but are there more differences than these?

Dragons & Dinosaurs

When the Bible mentions dragons, behemoth, and leviathan, could it be that dinosaurs are what the writer had in mind? Find out in this insightful article.

Debt Free!

A historic moment for the ministry, the bank loan for the new property was paid off in full!

Light Vs. Darkness

There are a lot of cool things about light, but one of the most encouraging is that once light enters the scene, it always defeats darkness.

Using the Means God Has Provided

God has given His followers the commission to reach the world with the Good News. And sometimes, the tools He gives for the job can be… well… surprising.

Were Adam and Eve Real People?

Asking whether Adam and Eve were real people isn’t just a historical trivia question: It shapes our view of mankind and God.

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