Creation Experience Museum

WARNING: A New Idea on How the Moon Got Its Water


Secular scientists are slowly moving away from the idea that the vast quantities of water found on Earth arrived here by asteroid and comet impacts over billions of years. There isn’t enough time for that to have occurred, even in their enormous timescales, and they are realizing it. This reasoning has led them to also believe that the quantities of water we are finding on the Moon did not accumulate in this way either.

A new, secular hypothesis has been proposed to account for the quantities of water we are finding on the Moon: “The Moon May Have Been Covertly Siphoning Earth’s Water For Billions of Years”.1 Using the same, vast eons of time available to their worldview – unprovable, but presented as fact – our Moon supposedly acquired the water by picking up hydrogen and oxygen ions from the Earth’s magnetosphere, which it passes through for five days every lunar month. 

We can appreciate the author’s use of the words “May Have” in his title – since he allows for the alternative that it “may not have” – though other outlets, such as The Weather Channel, reported this far-fetched suggestion as proven science. Be sure to ask your friends who buy into this suggestion the following question: “How do you then account for the water that is found chemically bound up in rocks that derive from deep inside the interior of the moon, which must have been there when the moon was formed?”.2

Our solar system is turning out to be a very wet place, with water found on extraterrestrial surfaces and the interiors of planets, moons, comets, and asteroids. Secular scientists are abandoning their former theories of formation and scratching their heads. Creation scientists have known all along that the Earth and the heavens had a watery beginning (see Genesis 1), and predictions of creation scientists are increasingly confirmed by advancing scientific discoveries.



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  1. See the article by this name, published by David Nield, 4 May 2022, at
  2. See Erickson, J., Water on the moon: it’s been there all along.