The Sound of Music
Music shows beauty in God’s handiwork. Let’s explore some examples of where we see music in His creation and His fingerprint in it all.
Evidence. People say they will believe something if there is enough evidence. But on certain subjects many have a priori already made up their minds and are unwilling to change. Human pride is a strong factor because it is embarrassing to admit that something you have espoused as real and true, actually is not.
The above reality makes it all the more important for the message of Creation Experience Museum to be as effective as possible in reaching the younger generation. Before young Christians are heavily influenced with anti-biblical, anti-God and anti-Christianity false ideas (as they will be through secular education), they need to know what they believe and why they believe it. As our tour guides lead our guests through the museum, the goal is to cover the basic foundational truths of the Bible as clearly as possible.
By basic foundational truths I mean:
1) The Bible is the best history book in the world.
2) There is a God who created everything—the universe and all life on this planet.
3) Real scientific discoveries do not conflict with the Bible. We can trust the Bible completely.
4) Adam and Eve were real people—the first humans—not evolved from ape ancestors.
5) Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God, and all people have done likewise.
6) Adam and Eve lost their original wonderful relationship with God, but God has provided a remedy for all who will believe in the way of salvation He has provided through Jesus Christ.
It is wonderful that a museum like Creation Experience Museum provides us with the opportunity to be bold witnesses for the truths of the Bible, which can speak to the hearts of our visitors through the aid of the Holy Spirit. It is somewhat comical to me that some of our visitors would never expect a museum like ours to expose them to the message of the gospel. Of course, the word “Creation” in our name should be a clue to them.
At the area of the museum where we have constructed an empty tomb, we can share the foundational stone of Christianity—the resurrection of Jesus. Sometimes there could be 15-20 young people standing in the aisle and our guides have the opportunity to ask if there is anyone there who knows they have never asked God to forgive them of their sins. Some of our guides use their own personal testimonies to encourage making a step of faith in the Lord.
I have often used the words written by the Apostle Paul: “…to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22).
Yes, Creation Experience Museum is a wonderful means God has given us to proclaim the message of the gospel to all who visit us. Most Christians do not have the opportunity as our tour guides have to share their testimony and the gospel to different people every day that we are open. Of course, we should all look for opportunities the Holy Spirit can provide for us to witness when we are in the marketplace.
As I’m sure all realize, not everyone is happy that we exist in Branson. We are actually involved in spiritual warfare with the enemy of God and his demonic helpers. This is why I have always said, “This ministry is based on prayer and faith.” In all seriousness we covet the prayers of all of you who support this work of God. Prayer, believing prayer, is the foundation of any ministry that is effective for the kingdom of God.
If I were Satan and wanted to find an effective way to attack and destroy the work of the gospel, what better way than to convince people that evolution is true and God does not exist? This is what Satan uses all over the world to keep people deceived and ignorant of the truth. Our calling and modus operandi, or active response to Satan’s activities should be as Paul exhorted when he wrote:
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor, 10:3-5).
Satan has made evolution a “stronghold” in people’s minds, and a “high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” What are the weapons God has provided us with to counteract his evil work? Biblical truth, prayer, and the boldness of the Holy Spirit. We should never let the devil browbeat us into believing that we can’t win battles against him. Jesus said:
“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).
At Creation Experience Museum we have to claim by faith this authority promised to us by Jesus. We need to see in our understanding how great and powerful our God is, and how small and defeated Satan is. In this way our witness and testimony through the unique means provided by the museum can strengthen the faith of young and old.
I believe America needs more museum ministries like ours to fight the fight of faith for the truth. The enemy has already had too much success in trying to thwart the intentions of our Founding Fathers for a nation that would continue to exist with leaders living and supporting principles of righteousness and justice founded upon the Bible.
The worst thing that Christians can do would be to have the attitude that the enemy is too strong and has too much influence, and so do nothing. No, the victory is ours by faith every time we wait on God and trust Him for His help and direction. The early Christians soon experienced the hatred of the enemy as Jesus had predicted, but knew what to do to overcome. Acts 4:29 records:
“Now Lord, look on their threats, and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.
We serve the same God today.
Music shows beauty in God’s handiwork. Let’s explore some examples of where we see music in His creation and His fingerprint in it all.
Something we see in our daily lives and don’t give much thought to is trees. These staples of our world have very interesting ways of pointing back to our Creator. Let’s examine how just two species of trees give evidence of design.
Giant Flood, Giant Rocks, Giant Wonder On a recent trip to Northern Ireland, my family had the opportunity to visit one of her greatest natural wonders: Giant’s
We love helping people put the truths of the authority and reliability of God‘s Word into their hearts. We also enjoy getting resources for these truths into their hands. And with the holiday season coming up, the bookstore can be a blessing both to the ministry and to your family and friends!