Creation Experience Museum

The Gospel and Thanksgiving
It's about more than food and family.

The Gospel and Thanksgiving


As we enter the Thanksgiving season, we at the Creation Ministries of the Ozarks and the Creation Experience Museum could write a list of blessings that would fill newsletters for the rest of our lives. But among all the mighty ways God has lavished His goodness on us during 2023, our greatest thanks to Him is much like the founders of the first Thanksgiving four hundred years ago.

As our guests well know, we start the tour with a little history into America’s founding. While we don’t specifically mention our Pilgrim forefathers, we know their experience was very different than ours in the late 16th and early 17th century. As people who also took the Bible quite literally, these brave men and women traveled a treacherous ocean so they could obey God when their mother country harassed them for preaching the plain meaning of Scripture.

While we have been greatly blessed to speak without fear of imprisonment, our mission and their mission are the same. As William Bradford states in Of Plymouth Plantation, “Last and not least, they cherished a great hope, and inward zeal of laying good foundations, or at least of making some way towards it, for the propagation and advance of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in remote parts of the world, even though they should be but stepping stones to others in the performance of so great a work.”

Laying “good foundations…for the propagation and advance of the gospel” is exactly why we open the museum’s doors to the thousands of visitors we’ve been privilege to minister to this year.

While we love science, strive as a team to equip ourselves with cutting-edge scientific discoveries, and wholeheartedly use this field as evidence for the reliability of God’s word, our first and foremost mission is to see hearts and minds changed by the power of the gospel.

Going back even further than the Pilgrims, we seek to speak like the Apostle Paul, who was, “[N]ot ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation…” (Romans 1:16).

Yes, of all the many blessings we have to be thankful for, the power of the gospel and the high calling of proclaiming it on every tour to every guest is what we thank God for the most!



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