- 417 - 561 - 0750
- contact@creationexperiencemuseum.com
- Wed - Sat: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Other Resources
Bookstore & Gift Shop
The Creation Experience Museum holds one of the largest stores for creation resources in the Midwest region!
Come take a look through our bookstore and gift shop where you’ll find everything from books and DVDs to toys and fossils.
Prepare yourself with answers that make a difference! Open until 5 pm.

Other Resources and Databases
The Creation Experience Museum has been able to provide free guided tours, monthly creation classes, and outreach events in the community. As Christians and educators we understand that finding credible material on Biblical Creationism can be difficult. We have complied a list of resources and databases that may aid believers in their understanding of the authority and study of scripture or biblical creation.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.
Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is a professional, peer-reviewed technical journal for the publication of interdisciplinary scientific and other relevant research from the perspective of the recent Creation and the global Flood within a biblical framework.
A free online resource for kids to learn about and test their knowledge in creation science.
Creation Today seeks to impact individuals to know and defend our faith in Creator God and to wholeheartedly experience and share Him through the foundations of Scripture. As a leading, international Christian-apologetics ministry desiring to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world, Creation Today is committed to excellence, producing some of the most requested resources available on creation, apologetics, and evangelism.
Search any creation question on this network owned by creation today. Their goal is two fold – Strengthening the faith of believers through natural and scientific discovery, and showing the lost that Christ made them, He loves them, and He took on their sin and defeated death for them. Our hope is that through this, we will build an unstoppable force to influence our culture for God’s glory.
ICR produces and/or publishes books, films, periodicals, and other media for communicating the evidence and information related to its research and education to its constituents and to the public in general.
ICR’s popular Acts & Facts monthly news magazine contains articles and information of current interest dealing with creation, evolution, and related topics. Current and past issues can be read online, and you can sign up to receive future issues, all for free. With your free subscription comes Days of Praise, a daily devotional providing real biblical “meat” to strengthen and encourage the Christian witness.
Creation Ministries of the Ozarks and the Creation Experience Museum in Branson, Missouri, exist to educate and inspire people with the authority and reliability of the Bible. We use science to showcase the existence of the Creator and to convey the message of the Gospel.