Creation Experience Museum

"Darwin lacked the advantage of having the electron microscope in the 1800s, so... [h]e was totally unaware of the incredible level of specified complexity contained in the DNA code."

“Mutations” – Darwin’s Idea Fails Again

And Neo-Darwinism Isn’t Any Better


Mutations are changes in the order of the information contained in the DNA code of our cells, and the cells of all living organisms. Charles Darwin lacked the advantage of having the electron microscope in the 1800s, so had no knowledge of genetics compared to what is known today. He thought the cells in our bodies were little pieces of protoplasm with no known purpose or function. He was totally unaware of the incredible level of specified complexity contained in the DNA code. In other words, he did not have the foundational knowledge of genetics upon which to build a theory.

The idea of Darwinian evolution, today known as neo-Darwinism, is that mutations, changes in living organisms through natural selection, (the survival of the fittest), will over vast periods of time, produce changes from one species into something completely new and different. However, known science today is completely at odds with this idea.

It is true that Darwin was able by selective breeding to produce pigeons with different physical characteristics, but the end result was that they were still pigeons. Dr. Gary Parker says, “The gene has to be there before it can mutate. All you get as a result of mutation is just a varied form of an already-existing gene, i.e. variation within a kind”.1

For example, scientists were hoping to demonstrate the possibility of mutations supporting evolution by experimenting thousands of times with fruit flies—Drosophila. Dr. Stephen Meyer writes:

“Looking more closely at a specific experimental result of this kind further illuminates the problem. A mutation in the regulatory Ultrabithorax gene (expressed midway in the development of a fly) produces an extra pair of wings on a normally two-winged creature. Although an extra set of wings may sound like a useful piece of equipment, its not at all. This “innovation” results in a rippled insect that cannot fly because it lacks, among other things, a musculature to support the use of its new wings. Because the developmental mutation was not accompanied by the many other coordinated developmental changes that were needed to make the wings useful, the mutation is decidedly harmful.” 2

The truth is, that the specified coded information already existing in all living organisms naturally in the DNA can only produce physically what the information provides. Mutations can only act on pre-existing information within a created kind. Therefore, this is why we have never seen actual evidence of a creature evolving into a new and different kind. The Bible uses the word “kind” to show the distinct separation of all living species. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind” (Genesis 2:24).

A good example is dogs. God designed the original dog kind with amazing genetic variety to be able to produce dingoes, foxes, wolves, and the wild African dog. For example, by selective or forced breeding a wolf may be bred down to a poodle-type dog, but it would be impossible to breed the poodle-like dog back to a wolf.

So, none of this scientifically tested and observed information is helpful to support the idea of upward evolution through mutations. What we observe instead is downward devolution. After all, Darwin’s idea is just that, an idea that is false. The significant truth, is that there is a supreme Creator who created all things.



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