Creation Experience Museum

Ministry Update: Digital Sign Project

Exciting News and Exciting Opportunities


It’s always fun to share exciting news, and today is no different: The Digital Sign Project we mentioned a couple months ago is now underway! What’s more, a positive response from faithful donors has allowed us to go even bigger with the sign, giving us a 16’x45′ display. The Lord is good.

It’s been amazing to watch the Lord move in this project, and we think you will be excited, too. Allow us to share the new ministry opportunities a digital sign will enable us to do:

HIGH VISIBILITY: With a high definition LED display and located along Highway 65 near a busy intersection, this 16×45 sign will be hard to miss! Double-sided and visible from both directions on 65, visitors to Branson will be able to see it from a distance and clearly read it as they pass close by, both day and night!

POWERFUL MESSAGES: In addition to directing people to the Creation Experience Museum, this digital sign will also proclaim the powerful message of God’s Word to Branson’s millions of annual visitors. And since it’s fully owned by the ministry, we get to display our own graphics, videos, & messages in real time! Without compromise. Always.

MORE PEOPLE: Of course, more people seeing these messages, more people finding out about the museum, and more people coming for a tour equals more people reached with the truth’s of God’s Word! Since 2014, we’ve had over 45,000 people come through the museum. By God’s grace, we have the vision for a lot more than that.

A STEP TOWARD OUR NEW BUILDING: While some type of large sign will certainly be needed when we open the new museum, this digital sign will be really useful now! As more people find out about the museum, more people come. And of those that come, we trust that God will work in hearts, leading some to become prayer supporters, some to donate, and some to join our team. And we look forward to it, realizing that these are important pieces in God’s work of bringing about the New Museum.

The estimated cost for this project is $250,000. This total covers the materials and labor for the LED displays ($60,000), the steel/assembly for supporting it ($160,000), and the estimated operating expenses for the first 1-2 years.

Interested in how you can help? Visit our projects page to find ways to donate and pray for us. Further questions? Feel free to give us a call at– (417) 561-0750. 



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