Creation Experience Museum

Ministry News: Summer Volunteers Wanted


Summertime in Branson is when we experience millions of visitors; and it’s not just for the shows and theme parks. Many of the record-breaking days here at the Creation Experience Museum have also been set during our summer season and we expect the same this year. And we need your help! Below are a sampling of our summertime needs:

Tour Guides and Assistants

Our tour guides are the ones our guests connect with as they hear God’s Word upheld and His gospel proclaimed. We also need assistants to accompany the guide, ready to serve our guests with any needs they may have on tour.

Check-in Greeters and Bookstore Clerks

We know first impressions are important and our greeters and clerks are vital to our ministry of showing Christ’s love to whoever walks through our doors.

We also have opportunities arise from time to time on our teams that do the grunt work that keeps our museum on par with excellence. These include:

Grounds and Horticulture Team

Green thumbs are wanted for our current location as well as caring for our future site. We have even been blessed in the past with church and youth groups looking for a summer service project!

Exhibit Team

As you saw in last month’s newsletter, renovating our exhibits is a constant work in progress. If you have a creative eye, we’d love to hear from you!

Content & Research Team

As a Bible museum, we must have trustworthy information. As a science museum, we must have cutting-edge evidence. All of this is the responsibility of our Content & Research Team. If you love research, you’ll love helping here!

Media Team

As God expands CMOTO’s influence, our Media Team is key to maintaining our newsletter, podcast, website, and social media presence. The need has never been greater for volunteers coming on board to spread the message. Will you join us?



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