Creation Experience Museum

There are a lot of cool things about light, but one of the most encouraging is that once light enters the scene, it always defeats darkness.

Light Vs. Darkness

It’s the battle of the ages.  Who will win?


Scientists today will admit they cannot explain all the mysteries related to the intricacies and quality of light. So, where did the first light come from? It is said by some that light formed in the universe from the generation of stars like our sun, all streaming from the so-called Big Bang. But this scenario would need a lot of explanation for which we apparently have no empirically proven science as a guide.

The reason for finding ourselves in such a position is that scientists and astronomers have never actually seen a new star form. All they have observed are gasses and elements in the space of the universe that they assume have coalesced and will coalesce, that is, be drawn together into the formation of stars.

However, the actual empirical observational science does not support this. The known laws of physics would indicate that these gasses and elements do not come together to form stars, but actually do the opposite, which is to continue to dissipate and spread out in space rather than coming inwards to a center to create nuclear fusion.

Based on this information and what we know scientifically so far, we should admit that we are in the dark (pun intended) as to how light could have developed in the universe. Darkness can be scary to think about. I remember being in a popular tourist cave some years ago. At one point the tour guide told us to stand perfectly still in order to show us how dark it could be without light. When he turned off the lights, we suddenly found ourselves in absolute pitch darkness. I could not see my own hand just inches from my face. The tour guide did not leave the lights off for more than about thirty seconds because he knew that some people might begin to get nervous and panicky. I know of some people who cannot sleep in the dark and have to keep an active light source of some kind to feel at ease.

If the whole universe was in complete and total darkness it would seem that with few exceptions life would not be possible. There are some types of fish and other creatures that live and exist in the darkness of caves, but then we have to ask some questions such as:

How did caves form?
Where did the water in the caves come from?

The scientific answer would likely be that a planet like ours that has caves and creatures living in darkness exist because of weather patterns impacting the surface above. In other words, specifically, rain that is caused by the effect of our sun on earth’s atmosphere. So we are back to square one—how did our star, the sun, come to be what it is and have the effect on Earth that it does?

Obviously, there is a combination of factors that produce what some scientists are calling the anthropic principle, or what has been described as the fine-tuning of all the physical nuclear electromagnetic forces and balances that keep our planet spinning faithfully with the amazing qualities of life.

I believe the word “balances” used in the previous sentence is a key to understanding the qualities of light and life we find ourselves experiencing on a daily basis. If our planet experienced more light or less light, life for us would become more difficult. In fact, if the balance of day and night were changed dramatically from what we experience with consistent reliability, we would be living in a world of absolute chaos. With the above in mind it should be obvious to us that the miracle of light in our universe is beyond the ability of science to fully comprehend and explain. I use the word “miracle” advisedly and intentionally because something that is truly miraculous is outside the ability of empirical, observational and experimental science to understand. But there is a reasonable and logical answer to the enigma of light and darkness and their existence.

Simply stated: There is a Creator God who supernaturally created light in our universe. Genesis 1:2,3 tells us how light penetrated darkness at the very beginning of creation:

And darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

And in the New Testament through the inspired pen of the Apostle John:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend [or overcome] it (John 1:1-5).

One biblical scholar has written:

“The Greek word for ‘comprehend[ed]’ …was most commonly used to mean ‘to seize, grasp, or win over’ in order to make something one’s own or in order to overcome it….the idea would be that darkness cannot master the light either in the sense of understanding it or putting it out. The light resists the darkness and will overcome it in the end”1  (emphasis mine).

Yes, there is warfare, spiritual warfare in the heavens (See Daniel 10:13) and on earth (See Ephesians 6:10-20). Simply stated, Satan and the evil spiritual entities working against the purpose of God represent darkness, and God the Father, Jesus the eternal Word and Son of God, and the Holy Spirit represent light. Which will win? Darkness cannot win because light will always be able to penetrate it and cause it to cease to exist. Paul writes that the Father has,

“…qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:12-14).

The light of God’s presence in us by the abiding of the Holy Spirit within us will give us the victory over the darkness of sin and evil every time and in every moment of our lives when we believe this truth. Jesus said,

“He who walks in darkness does not know where he is going” (John 12:35).

But those who walk in light do know where they are going—to a heavenly eternity where true light and life is the reward of those who believe. Here is a challenge to myself: Am I living and walking in the true light of God? Are you?



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