Creation Experience Museum

Co-founder Curtis Baker and his wife, Sherry

Introducing Our New President

The picture below captured the moment CMOTO was born. After buying a little book called, It’s True: We Came From Slime and responding “yes” to God’s call that, “Branson needs something better than that”, Rod Butterworth asked a couple in his church to come alongside him in building a state-of-the-art creation museum to reach the millions of tourists that flock to Branson each year. That couple was Curtis and Sherry Baker.
After Dr. Butterworth’s retirement at the end of 2022, the search for a new president of Creation Ministries of the Ozarks began: We are pleased to introduce Curtis as that new president. Here are Curtis’ reflections and vision for the future of the ministry:
“I remember the day in 2008 when Dr. Rod, my wife Sherry, and I were able, with God’s blessing and guidance, to launch what would become Creation Ministries of the Ozarks, Inc. and the Creation Experience Museum of Branson, Missouri.
“The vision and goal have always been to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ by using science to showcase the existence of a Creator. Even today, that remains our focus and goal.
“The team at the Creation Experience Museum is, in my opinion, one of the most talented and dedicated groups of people that have ever been assembled, and I believe that through their efforts, the support from our donors, and the blessing of the Lord, the future of this ministry is on track to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God.”
In the fifteen years since Dr. Butterworth asked him to co-found the ministry, Curtis, along with Sherry, has quietly labored to see Creation Experience Museum become the Bible-affirming ministry our guests have come to trust and love. While his roles would be too many to mention, Secretary Treasurer of the Board is a key position Curtis has held over the ministry’s lifetime.
Curtis and Sherry both are also frequently requested speakers, seasoned museum tour guides, and have consistently remained involved in the daily operations at the museum. With his experience in multiple fields, encyclopedic knowledge, and passion for the biblical creation message, Curtis is a highly esteemed and greatly enjoyed personality for both our team and guests.
Times of change nearly always come packaged with both sadness and excitement. The sad change of no longer having Dr. Rod at the helm as he goes into retirement marks the end of a wonderful season in the history of CMOTO. At the same time, we know God, as he did when raising up Joshua to carry on the mission originally given to Moses, has also raised up Curtis to lead the vision of sharing “the Gospel of Jesus Christ by using science to showcase the existence of a Creator”. Join us in anticipating the amazing things God has in store for this ministry!


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