Creation Experience Museum

A historic moment for the ministry, the bank loan for the new property was paid off in full!

Debt Free!

On March 2, 2022 the bank loan on the 50 acres God is giving us where the new museum building will be built was paid off in full. God moved on the hearts of our supporters and we were able to complete the loan with a final payment of:


Truly all things are possible with God. The original loan was for $350,000.00, and it has been paid off in less than five years. Now we will concentrate our prayers, faith and support for the new building which will give us the much and greatly needed extra space.

Over 43,000 guests have passed through Creation Experience Museum and been exposed to biblical creation truths and the Gospel. Thousands of young people (our special concern) have been told the truth of our Creator and the need to believe His Word, the Bible, and be more prepared to witness to an unbelieving world.

We give all the glory to God for helping us to reach this stage of the vision, and special thanks to all of our wonderful supporters. Keep praying for the vision of the new building to be a reality.



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