Creation Experience Museum

Ministry News: A New Sign for Our 50 Acres!


With 44,000 visitors and counting to our current museum, we were pleased to make much needed renovations to our bookstore, staff area, and exhibits during our 2023 off season. But it’s not just our current building getting attention. It is with great excitement that we announce plans to begin construction of a 15×30’ high-definition, digital sign on the 50-acre property of our coming museum!

We are currently choosing a site where we will get the most advantage of the high traffic along highway 65 and the multitudes who visit Branson each year. With the future home of our new museum located just off the highway and near a well-used intersection, the opportunity to reach more of Branson’s millions of visitors is incredible!

Why are we so excited about this step? First, this sign will be fully owned by CMOTO and will have the capability to display high quality graphics, videos, and– most importantly– messages.

Naturally, this will be a must when our new building is completed, but its usefulness need not wait until then. The moment construction is complete, this sign can point potential guests to our current museum, allowing even more people to experience the life-changing truth that “You can trust the Bible!”.

As hard as it is to believe, we still frequently hear locals exclaim they had no idea we were in the area. What better way to change this than to put a digital sign along the main highway into Branson? Constructing a permanent sign will change this lack of awareness now, and it will be an incredible asset in the future.

As we anticipate the increased awareness the sign will bring and the fact that spring break tourism gave us a new record in attendance this year, our daily prayer has become Luke 10:2, 

Then He [Jesus] said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Our God, who is faithful to supply all our needs, has amazed us again and again with how much he allows us to accomplish. At the same time, we recognize our need for more team members and especially tour guides, and we daily ask the Lord of the harvest to send the laborers. Could one of them be you?

At CMOTO we understand constructing this sign is a huge step forward in the vision God has given us for a state-of-the-art museum in Branson, MO. Will you please join us in prayer for the wisdom, resources, and funds to make this step?

For those interested in helping with this project, details for how you can get involved will be provided in future newsletters, along with project updates. You can also feel free to reach out to us by phone (417) 561-0750, email (, or by stopping in at the museum. God bless you all for your interest, and we look forward to partnering with you in this next step towards reaching all to which God has called us.



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